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Amy K. Darke

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    OA06 - Early Stage Lung Cancer: Outcomes and Interventions (ID 902)

    • Event: WCLC 2018
    • Type: Oral Abstract Session
    • Track: Treatment of Early Stage/Localized Disease
    • Presentations: 1
    • Moderators:
    • Coordinates: 9/24/2018, 13:30 - 15:00, Room 202 BD
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      OA06.01 - Case-Series Study in Ever- and Never-Smoking Females and Males with NSCLC: Exposures, Tumor Factors, Biology and Survival (SWOG S0424) (ID 14526)

      13:30 - 13:40  |  Author(s): Amy K. Darke

      • Abstract
      • Presentation
      • Slides

      Sex differences in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) susceptibility, tumor biology and survival have been retrospectively reported. We conducted a prospective, case-series intergroup study (SWOG S0424) in 4 cohorts of females (F) and males (M), ever-smokers (ES) and never-smokers (NS) with newly-diagnosed stages I-III NSCLC. This is the first overall survival (OS) report. a9ded1e5ce5d75814730bb4caaf49419 Method
      Patients were accrued at US sites via SWOG/NCI-CTSU. A questionnaire of demographics and exposures (tobacco, environmental, reproductive, hormonal); stage and histology data; treatment; and OS were obtained. Tumor tissue was submitted for EGFR, RAS and p53 mutations. Nuclear and cytoplasmic estrogen receptor (ER) alpha and beta were measured (Cheng, JNCI 2017). Kaplan-Meier (KM) curves and OS modeled using Cox proportional hazards were examined. The NS cohorts remained open longer to maximize accrual. Patients were followed 5 years for OS or until death. 4c3880bb027f159e801041b1021e88e8 Result
      The accrual goal of 981 was achieved from 10/2005-3/2011. Evaluable cases were FES, n=337; MES, 383; FNS, 188; MNS, 49 (MNS under-accrued despite extension). The 4 cohorts differed significantly in demographics, tumor stage, histology, mutational profile (overall, by histology), ER expression, lifestyle factors and exposures. KM curves showed MNS/MES had overlapping OS and FNS/FES had significantly better OS. Five-year estimates were FNS, 73%; FES, 69%; MNS, 58%; MES, 52%. Markedly improved OS for females persisted after adjusting for other factors. Four multivariate OS models were constructed: all patients (model 1) and women only (model 2), each with mutations and ER expression added (models 3, 4). Model 1: better OS for females (HR 0.56, p <.001); higher BMI (continuous, HR 0.98, p=0.045); and adenocarcinoma, BAC, large cell (all vs squamous, HRs 0.84, 0.48, 0.57); worse OS for stages II and III (HRs 1.87, 3.76: each p<.001) and greater age. Model 2: worse OS if ES (HR 1.48, p=0.05), higher stages; histology and hormonal exposure variables were not significant. Model 3: better OS if EGFR mutation (HR 0.53, p=0.013), female, stage I, higher BMI or greater height; worse OS if p53 mutation, higher ER-alpha cytoplasmic or ER-beta nuclear H-scores. Model 4: worse OS if higher stage, p53 mutation or ER-alpha cytoplasmic H-score; EGFR mutation lost significance. 8eea62084ca7e541d918e823422bd82e Conclusion
      Sex, histology, mutations and exposures impacted OS, with dramatically better OS for females regardless of the analysis/model. Hormonal influences (persistent association of ER-expression with OS) were independently significant. Despite adjustments, favorable female survival could not be explained away. Randomized studies should stratify by sex and validation analyses should be conducted in targeted therapy and immunotherapy trials.

      SUPPORT: NIH/NCI grants R01CA106815, U10CA180888, U10CA180819 and UG1CA189974. 6f8b794f3246b0c1e1780bb4d4d5dc53

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